I'm going to hug my husband a little tighter! Today was a bit unusual and not in a good day. I talked to my mom on the way to work, they've been moving their belongings out of their basement with the anticipation of the river rising. In fact, the whole town of Bismarck where I grew up is banning together to help those who live on the river. I feel helpless being here...I want to be helping! I want to be sandbagging, I want to be with my mama, instead...I pray. I ask the Lord to protect my family.
Later in the day I get a text that my grandpa is going to have to stay in the hospital for another night. He had a minor surgery and was suppose to be released the same day, unfortunately that did not happen. His heart rate dropped and they wanted to keep him for monitoring. My grandparents mean more to me than most peoples grandparents. They've been there for me, taught me about Jesus, and their marriage has been an example to Ben and I. They're not old, they're not sick, and they have to be here to be an example to my kids......Got it Grams and Gramps? No more of this hospital business!
Lastly......I'm sitting at my desk at work and the tornado sirens start sounding. Seriously...Where am I suppose to go? With the recent events in Joplin I know I don't stand a chance if I'm not somewhere safe. So I went to the store next to my office...mainly because I know there are people there and if I'm going to die...it will not be alone! So we spend an hour and a half in the backroom under a desk. The tornado touched down a couple of blocks from my office. It was so surreal. All I could think to do was text my family and pray. My phone stopped working when the tornado was going over us so I just kept praying. It was neat to see a bunch of strangers huddled together in a small room praying! I was convinced that this was the end for me....it was very scary. The good news we made it out in one piece! PTL!
So tonight....I hug Ben a little tighter! When I got home from work with both just looked at each other and embraced. We had no words....but we both knew we needed to hug each other a little tighter! All I could think about today was not being with Ben....when it is my time....I pray we go together.
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