Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Short and Sweet

Dear Blog, (and the 2.5 of you that actually read this)

Sorry we've been so neglectful. It's hard to update on our lives as I feel like things change daily. We're really trying to seek the Lord and figure out what is next for our lives. We have many questions that have gone unanswered for so long. When will we become parents, are we suppose to go to Haiti, where should we be plugged in at church, and WHEN WILL WE BECOME PARENTS? As we go through life we see people with babies. Our friends, families, teenage girls......does that seem fair?

I think we are naturally going through the stages of grief and we've just recently went through anger. I don't want to be angry because I know God has a perfect plan for us...he promises that. He also promises to give us the desires of our hearts if we delight in him. So here we are...waiting, delighting, and enjoying out time as a couple. We have hope, we have faith, and we will keep asking. We know we will be parents in God's time, sometimes I wish it was in my time. I take heart in knowing that God is never late, rarely early, and usually right on time!

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1


  1. I read every time you post! So do I count as a whole or 1/2 person? ;) I can say nothing to you that you haven't heard before. So I'll pray instead. Love ya'll!

  2. That anger stage is a tough one, and I wish there were words to make it all better. There aren't, I know (I remember feeling a bit like no matter WHAT someone said it was the wrong thing!) but just know that there are so many people out there praying for you two and for the little one(s) you will someday call your own. You're going to be wonderful parents. Love you.

  3. So I guess I am the .5 who reads the blog according to the comments :)
    You can borrow our kids for a while if you want :) They love to travel and can clean up the house pretty well, with supervision.
