Sunday, December 18, 2011

Is this thing on......??

I do a great job of keeping up with other people's blogs. Even those people I don't know. Why is it so hard to keep up with my own blog? Is it because we don't have much to write about? I assure that is not the case.
We have been very busy with life. We have been doing a lot of DIY around the house and I have found a new love in crafting. I will share some pictures!

Stay tuned....hopefully we'll be able to keep things updated on here. Until then.....ENJOY!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Going Green......means spending green!

I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately....what does that really mean? I recently turned 30 and it hit me like a ton of bricks! I've had a bit of a mid life crises....not the "go out and buy a porche and get hair plugs" type of mid life crises. It's been a good thing.

Change #1 (my porche)

I've always wanted to be someone who has a hobby....something I can enjoy doing by myself or with others. I've been reading a lot of home improvement blogs, crafting blogs, and DIY blogs. I've been able to start making my home my own. We've painted our cabinets, painted a whole room, and put up new window treatments. I've also started to craft a bit. I refinished a book shelf, made some wall art and made a pretty neat jewelry organizer.

I've never been a naturally crafty person and feel like maybe this is a gift form God. It's really what I've needed lately. Crafting has become my stress reliever in the midst of a crazy season of life. I would love to hear about any crafts you've done, I'm always looking for something new.

Change #2 (my hair plugs)

I recently met with a gal who is very passionate about all things natural. I met her at an event we did for work. She is a maternity concierge in the area and we hit it off with our common goal of wanting to provide the best for families. We started talking about natural birthing, and going green. She was very insightful. We scheduled a time to meet for coffee to talk about how we can partner to help each other grow our businesses.

Our time at coffee was great! She had a lot of knowledge of infertility and was very passionate about helping people figure out why they are not able to conceive. She is not a Dr. or any sort of medical professional but she really seemed to know her stuff. This came at a perfect time as I'd been thinking about going to a naturpath Dr. to try and get healthy the natural way. I've been feeling like my Dr. has just been trying to prescribe meds to cover up symptoms instead of really getting to the root of the problem.

The gal I met with suggested a website I want to get healthy, the natural way. This website had so many great resources. I've spent the weekend really researching and coming up with a plan. I talked with Ben about the things I researched and although he wasn't completely on board with everything he is very supportive.

I've tried to go through our house and get rid of all of the toxic items. Things that aren't natural, and things that have ingredients that I can't say. I've even made new soap, shampoo/body wash (for Ben...the products I already use are natural), toothpaste, cleaning supplies,laundry detergent, and deodorant.

Most of these things use a few of the same ingredients, so that is helpful. It was all really quite easy and seems to work great so far. Time will tell....I will keep you updated.

We are making baby steps and hopefully can continue to improve out diets and learn new ways to go green!

I will let you know how it goes! Hopefully we can keep with it and it'll prove to help in our fertility!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Things's been over a year since we bought our house. We've replaced the carpet in the basement after the sump pump tragedy, we recently had new counter tops put in (which we love), next on our list is our flooring. We are wanting to remove the carpet in the living room and kitchen and put in hardwood. Anyone have any suggestions? Real hardwood, laminate, whatever else there is.....what do you recommend? I would love to see pictures and hear ideas! HELP!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

No words!

Pray! My parents may lose their house due to the river flooding. They have spent the last 72 hrs sandbagging, waiting for a decision to be made on building a levee and praying. Today all of the families in the neighborhood decided to ban together and build a levee to try and save their neighborhood. We are praying it holds and that the houses are not destroyed. They could lose everything.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I'm going to hug my husband a little tighter! Today was a bit unusual and not in a good day. I talked to my mom on the way to work, they've been moving their belongings out of their basement with the anticipation of the river rising. In fact, the whole town of Bismarck where I grew up is banning together to help those who live on the river. I feel helpless being here...I want to be helping! I want to be sandbagging, I want to be with my mama, instead...I pray. I ask the Lord to protect my family.

Later in the day I get a text that my grandpa is going to have to stay in the hospital for another night. He had a minor surgery and was suppose to be released the same day, unfortunately that did not happen. His heart rate dropped and they wanted to keep him for monitoring. My grandparents mean more to me than most peoples grandparents. They've been there for me, taught me about Jesus, and their marriage has been an example to Ben and I. They're not old, they're not sick, and they have to be here to be an example to my kids......Got it Grams and Gramps? No more of this hospital business!

Lastly......I'm sitting at my desk at work and the tornado sirens start sounding. Seriously...Where am I suppose to go? With the recent events in Joplin I know I don't stand a chance if I'm not somewhere safe. So I went to the store next to my office...mainly because I know there are people there and if I'm going to will not be alone! So we spend an hour and a half in the backroom under a desk. The tornado touched down a couple of blocks from my office. It was so surreal. All I could think to do was text my family and pray. My phone stopped working when the tornado was going over us so I just kept praying. It was neat to see a bunch of strangers huddled together in a small room praying! I was convinced that this was the end for was very scary. The good news we made it out in one piece! PTL!

So tonight....I hug Ben a little tighter! When I got home from work with both just looked at each other and embraced. We had no words....but we both knew we needed to hug each other a little tighter! All I could think about today was not being with Ben....when it is my time....I pray we go together.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Husband

I've been sitting here thinking about what to blog about....I'm trying to make it a habit. Nothing was really coming to mind until I look over at Ben who is sitting in his orange chair talking on the phone to his buddy and laughing. What a great laugh! Then I listen to his conversation and it really makes me fall more in love with him. He is discussing "church" stuff. I have the best husband! He is genuine, loving, selfless, loves Jesus with his whole heart, and treats his wife like a princess. If I never get one more thing in life I'm ok. I've got the best thing! I love you Ben!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Rapture Eve

So....from what I hear the world is going to end tomorrow? Are you ready? Shouldn't we always be ready? Anyway...I think it's a bit ridiculous and have decided my blog is a good place to voice my opinion and have a little fun. I remember reading the 1st book of the Left Behind series when I was in high school. I was convinced that this book was truth, not to sure now, and truth be told I don't really care. Why do people get so wrapped up in this? Doesn't it say he'll come like a thief in the night? We most likely will not know when the Lord is coming back! That's what the bible says and the bible is truth!

Anyway...I'm thinking about hosting a rapture watch party? Anyone want to come? If you're reading this and you think tomorrow is it....can I have all of your stuff? Would you please consider donating your life savings to Ben and I? We'll use it to work in Haiti...I promise!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's my blog and I'll write what I want

I'm been trying to think of new things to blog about, since I really want to continue doing so a few times a week. Nothing really came to mind except.....I wanna be a mom. I was hesitant to write about it, fearful that people would make comments like, "is that all she talks about?", "it'll happen when you least expect it", or my favorite..."once you adopt, you'll get pregnant!" Then I thought..."It's my blog and I'll write what I want!"

So here goes....I wanna be a mom! I can't wait for Ben to be a dad! I think what excites me most is the images I get of Ben being an amazing dad to his children. I can't explain how much I love him's going to be intensified 10 fold. Then I think...If I love Ben this much, how much will I love my child? Do I have that much love to give? Those of you who are parents are going to tell me YES! I don't want you to tell me...I want to keep wondering and be surprised when it happens.

As I'm writing this I'm watching a T.V. show and the couple on T.V. have been trying to get pregnant for over a year, they've been prepping to do IVF and now they find out they're pregnant! The Dr. called it a miracle! WOWZA! A little reminder that miracles do happen. I think I'll keep asking!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Can I do it?

Well...I'm trying out this blogging thing again. I'm notorious for starting things with the intention to continue, only to lose interest a short while later. This blog is proof of that! I love reading all the blogs I fav being my cousin Mandie's....word cuz! I got to thinking, maybe if I blog more I will have more followers. So I'm going to test that theory. My goal is to blog a couple of times a week. I think it's a bit therapeutic truth be told. So I'm not really doing this for all of you, although I like the thought of publishing something...even if it is just a blog. Pressing the "publish post" button at the end gives me a sense of accomplishment.
Speaking of trying new things...Ben and I bought bikes. My bike look like a bike you would imagine your grandma riding, curved handle bars, room for a basket on the front, I've even got a little bell! We've been loving spending time riding bikes lately. It's a hobby we can share and that makes my heart happy. I love spending time with Ben, and having a hobby with both love just makes out marriage stronger!

So here's to trying new things, continuing things I've started and having fun while doing it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Short and Sweet

Dear Blog, (and the 2.5 of you that actually read this)

Sorry we've been so neglectful. It's hard to update on our lives as I feel like things change daily. We're really trying to seek the Lord and figure out what is next for our lives. We have many questions that have gone unanswered for so long. When will we become parents, are we suppose to go to Haiti, where should we be plugged in at church, and WHEN WILL WE BECOME PARENTS? As we go through life we see people with babies. Our friends, families, teenage girls......does that seem fair?

I think we are naturally going through the stages of grief and we've just recently went through anger. I don't want to be angry because I know God has a perfect plan for us...he promises that. He also promises to give us the desires of our hearts if we delight in him. So here we are...waiting, delighting, and enjoying out time as a couple. We have hope, we have faith, and we will keep asking. We know we will be parents in God's time, sometimes I wish it was in my time. I take heart in knowing that God is never late, rarely early, and usually right on time!

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Please Help us!

At times I think I have taken clean water for granted. I turn on the faucet and water comes out that we can drink and not worry about getting sick. And there is a spigot on the outside of our house with a garden hose hooked up to it and we can turn it on to water our grass and yet that same water is clean and we could drink it without fear of getting sick or catching an illness that would lead to our death. That sounds a little drastic and yet it is a truth for people who live in Haiti. If you've looked over this blog at all you may understand that Haiti is near and dear to us, And it hurts to know that people in Haiti are catching cholera because they don't have access to clean water and their life is being cut short because of this.
The mission (NWHCM) we had the honor to work with in Haiti has an outreach to a Haitian prison and a friend of ours has gained favor in the eyes of the authorities at this prison and is there weekly for a Bible study. And the prisoners (and guards who are probably pretending not to be listening) are hearing about Jesus and singing His praises and coming to know Him. The prisoners don't have water often times. They sometimes go days without water. Can you even imagine? And the truth is for about $4800 this problem could be solved. With this money 2 600 gallon water tanks and a well and 4 pumps could be drilled/installed and the prison would always have plenty of water that is safe to drink. Some people scoff - they are prisoners, why does it matter? Well, if you claim to know Jesus then it matters and now that you have heard of this need you really don't have an excuse. Jesus said a little something about being in prison and something about I needed a drink of water and you gave it to me. You see, if you really look at those prisoners you might just see Jesus looking back at you. I did. I never expected it, but it happened. The need is $4800. So far I believe $0 has been given. You can contact either of us and we can give you more information about the project and where to send the money. This is not some hypothetical concern in a far away country but it is the reality of a country only about 700 miles away from Miami. PLEASE join us in helping with this worthy project.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Needle and Haystack Life

Sometimes it is easy to make life too complicated. As Christ followers we've made the decision that our life is not our own and we've surrendered that. We 100% believe that God has plans for us and our goal is to know that plan and follow it accordingly. It would be easier, I think, if we were to get a letter or a set of directions explaining the plan and how it would all fit together. But as it is, we live each day with a knowledge that we just get to see the plan live as it unfolds. It is assuring to look back and see that indeed there is a plan and how the steps we took, the joys and the low times we have experienced all fit together perfectly. We have our plans for the future, having children and someday living in Haiti as full time missionaries, and we are constantly praying that we are following what God has for us. It is somewhat of a fine line to walk. You can't just sit on your keester day after day and expect things to just happen and on the converse side of that you cannot run head first into things and ask God to bless what you are doing (instead of seeking what you should do). But I think at times we over-complicate it. Sometimes we won't move because we think we aren't supposed to or we wait for the neon sign in the sky to tell us what to do. When we live within God's will we have some latitude in what to do. Sometimes we just have to honor God by making a decision and moving in faith. On the radio the other morning I heard a great analogy about this. The guy was saying that sometimes we are looking for God's will like it is the needle in the haystack, but really God's will for us is the haystack. It think God gives us more latitude than we often realize. So the prayer I have for our future and any of you who may read these words is to find the happy medium - to search for God's will but to realize that at times it is not one specific thing, but it could be one of many different things.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One year later

It was a year ago today that the workday was coming to a close and my co-worker Joanie said, "CNN says there was an earthquake in Haiti". I wondered what part of the tiny country it had hit and I immediately thought of the missionaries I know who live there. I texted Brittany and told her the news, but she had not heard anything either. I drove home from work and turned on the television to see if any of the news stations were reporting what had happened. It was then that I found out the severity of the earthquake and I felt sick. And I really wondered what God would allow this to happen, why poor Haiti?

I kind of wonder if I am even worthy to write about Haiti. I have friends who serve there day in and day out and I have been there a grand total of 8 days in my life. But I also know that it made a huge impact on both of our hearts and it hurts when someone, or a country, you love is hurting. So though I am no Haiti expert I still felt a sense of shock, loss, and horror as the events from a year ago today unfolded.

Now we are a year removed from that and we have seen Hurricane Tomas again strike this little country and we have seen a disease that can easily be controlled wreck havoc on this counry. Anderson Cooper and Dr. Gupta and Brian Williams and all of their cameras are no longer in Haiti and we no longer have the nightly reports live from Haiti. The celebrity hosted telethons are over. And most of us felt sorry for Haiti and then moved on with life. Meanwhile, for the last year the people of Haiti have lived in conditions that are probably what most of us would consider hell. There are still tent cities and piles of rubble and missing family members. We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Haiti are for those there to help. And we pray that we will be able to again go to Haiti.

Hello Blog!

Dear Blog,
How are you doing? It has been keeps moving on but I forgot to keep you and the three people who read this filled in. I figured today was a good day to come back...I am going to try to come by at least once a week...