Monday, August 24, 2009

Going back to kindergarten

Last week I started my new job with the Blue Valley school district.  I am working with 6 different autistic children.  I work with these kids in their typical classroom with their peers.  It has been so fun.  I forgot how much I enjoyed kindergarten.  I still remember my classmates, teacher, and good times had there. 
 Hanging out in a kindergarten class all day has really given me a new energy.  I leave school feeling excited and like I've really done something meaningful.  I hope that I continue to love this job.  I know God has me here for a reason and I'm thankful for what he has given me.
I love getting to know the little people in the class.  I also love how they are so welcoming and willing to help with all the special needs kids.  I think it's very important to expose children to their special needs peers at an early age.  Kindergartners are still so innocent and accepting of everyone.  I wish I was still like that! 
I pray you give me the eyes to see people like a kindergartner.  I pray you give me the heart of acceptance and joy like a kindergartner.  

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Miss these faces!

Would gladly adopt any and all of these kids if it were possible!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Haiti and babies

This past week has been a rough week for me.  I'm getting ready to transition to a new job, but I really just want to be in Haiti.  I want to be loving the little ones we met while we were there, and walking down the streets with our entourage of kids trailing behind us as we go deliver food and prayer to the prisoners and Gran Moun (old people).  I know that God has a big picture painted for us and right now we can only see the little brush strokes that our right in front of us.  Me getting this job was a huge answer to prayer and is a crucial piece in getting us back to Haiti in January.  I am thankful for it, and can't wait to see God work through me in the public school system.
Another thing we have desired for awhile now is a child of our own.  Ben and I knew when we got married that we wanted a few children and really longed to be parents.  We can't wait to teach our child about Jesus and feel the kind of love that a parent has for a child.  We believe that this is also in God's plan for our lives and can't wait until that day comes.  We would appreciate any and all prayers for a baby.  We are ready to be parents, whenever God chooses to give us that blessing.