Sunday, November 22, 2009
Poor neglected blog!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Going back to kindergarten
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Haiti and babies
This past week has been a rough week for me. I'm getting ready to transition to a new job, but I really just want to be in Haiti. I want to be loving the little ones we met while we were there, and walking down the streets with our entourage of kids trailing behind us as we go deliver food and prayer to the prisoners and Gran Moun (old people). I know that God has a big picture painted for us and right now we can only see the little brush strokes that our right in front of us. Me getting this job was a huge answer to prayer and is a crucial piece in getting us back to Haiti in January. I am thankful for it, and can't wait to see God work through me in the public school system.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Welcome home Pat!
Summer in KC
Well, we've had a pretty great summer. Our favorite part being our trip to Haiti in June. We've also been able to hang out with friends, watch the royals play, and this weekend we are going to Lake of the Ozarks for some fun in the sun. Ben's brother Pat flew in last weekend after serving in Afghanistan. We were very happy to welcome him home and thankful that God has kept him safe over the past year.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Crazy Love
Friday, July 10, 2009
Moving Forward
It's been awhile since we've updated. My mom has been getting after me to update our blog. So here goes! We've both been a little under the weather this past week. Suffering from a summer cold! Not fun. I think we are on the upswing of things now.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
January in Haiti
I'm taking a break from our Haiti stories to let everyone know that we are trying to save money to take another trip to Haiti in January. Since we've gotten back, we've had Haiti on the brain. We dream about Haiti, think about Haiti, and talk about Haiti nonstop! We can't wait to get back. We miss the people, the roosters crowing at 4am, the other missionaries, the babies in the orphanage, and the long walks to the Jail to feed the prisoners everyday! Everything about being in Haiti seem so right! We know that if God wants us there the money will come. We are thinking of ideas for fundraising events, in hopes that we will be able to return to Haiti in January.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The road to Anse-a-foleur
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Heart ache!
I think about Haiti everyday! I think about the kids we left and would gladly take into our home. I think about my new Haitian Grandma. I think about the kid who was in the Jail because someone falsely accused him of stealing $60. I can't help but think about all these things. I have shed many tears in the past week. My heart is in Haiti, and home is where the heart is! Does this mean our new home should be Haiti? It's a scary thought, moving away from friends and family, having to rely %100 on the support of other people financially. I take comfort in the fact that if God is calling us to Haiti, the support will come. I'm going to keep this short, but I want to leave you with these pictures of the precious kids from the orphanage.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Gran Moun
Gran Moun means "old person" in Creole. Sounds a bit more sophisticated doesn't it? I had the amazing opportunity to spend time with the Gran Moun in Haiti. Once a day the mission would provide a meal for the Gran Moun. They would make their way to the mission on foot, up a huge hill (the hill of death), in very hot weather. They would start their time with praise and worship and prayer. I have never heard anything so beautiful as the singing of haitians! They were so thankful for this one meal. It broke my heart watching them. They would take a couple bites and then pack the rest up in a container that they brought and take it with them. Most likely to take back and feed whatever children were living with them. This was not a huge meal, reminded me of a burrito bowl from chipotle.....minus the meat, sour cream and cheese! Everyday I had tears running down my face as I helped feed these wonderful people. One day, one of them even offered me their food, because they thought I was crying because I was hungry! They have nothing and yet they still try to give it away. I saw Jesus everyday when I spent time with them.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Brittany's Haiti Highlights! (Not talking about the ones in my hair caused by the sun!)
Ben has done an amazing job re-telling our stories from Haiti. He has such a way with words. Experiencing the miracle of life on my first full day in Haiti was a great way to start out an amazing week! As we were getting a tour of the mission, we stopped at the birthing center. Our guide, and new friend Evalin asked the nurses if we could come in and hang out for a bit. Little did I know, there was a woman in labor. She had come to the mission a few months before and talked with one of the missionaries. She was not a christian, but was searching for something.
Out and About in Haiti
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Haiti retrospect: Part One
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Home again
Being in Haiti has not been easy! I knew going in that it wouldn’t be, but I couldn’t comprehend all the ways it would be taxing on me until I got here. I don’t get to the end of the day and lay down for bed and reflect on how the day was hard. It hits me many times during the day sometimes when I least expect it. My suburban Kansas City life could never prepare me for the constant need that surrounds me on a daily basis here. I have been overwhelmed time and again. This morning I wrote in my journal that I was not sure what difference me being here made in the big scheme of things. I mean really, how significant is my time here when I am constantly confronted with the unfairness of life and the needs that are so evident. Am I really making a difference? I was standing by the orphanage today and all at once a Haitian man was standing next to me. He asked my name and I gave it and I asked his and he said that I already knew it. I really didn’t and I told him so, but he insisted that I did. He thanked me for being here and he said I was listening to God by being here. He related to me how he came to the mission as a young man for food and the mission ended up giving him an education up through the university level. He told me that this mission did alot and it was so successful because the people running the mission have listened to God. He welcomed me to his country and told me he was glad I was here and told me to come again and bring a big group of people. To listen and obey God and come back and be here. After listening to him I walked away encouraged. The words of Christ rang loud and clear, my strength is perfect in your weakness. When I hit the wall over and over as I am spent spiritually and emotionally Christ’s strength is made perfect. I realized today it is not really all about what I have done today. It really is all about hearing God and obeying. He said Haiti and we said OK. I would offer the same encouragement to anyone else who may wonder what God they are doing. Obey Christ. If he calls you to go to Haiti go, if He calls you to invite a homeless man at your local McDonald’s in for a bite to eat, do it. Obey Christ. His strength will be made perfect in your human weakness. Ben Garber
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Glorious Unknown
Monday, June 8, 2009
Snakes on the Fan

For the past few weeks I have been having some trouble sleeping, and staying asleep. I thought maybe because of my surgery I had goofed up my sleep pattern. So I've been trying really hard to get back on a healthy sleep pattern. I've been waking up in the middle of the night for at least an hour, not being able to get back to sleep. So I get up....check the computer, see what's on tv, think about all the things I need to be getting ready for our Haiti trip. After an hour or two of those things, I decide it's time to try again. So I sneak back to bed, careful not to wake the sleeping bear...I mean Ben. Lay myself down and pray that I fall asleep. Most night I do eventually.
Haiti bound!
Friday, May 29, 2009
So this weekend is the first time Ben and I have been apart in are almost 2 years of marriage! He is off having a boyscout weekend with his dad. Im going to miss him! It's just weird, because we usually do everything together! We love being together and have a lot of the same interests so it works out! Here are a few pictures of my wonderful husband! When he gets home he will probably try to remove this blog! But I'm bored and I love here goes!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Is what brings us together today! Being married is awesome! I never thought I would ever get married! I never thought I could meet someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with. Well I did, and I think I may just have the best husband out there!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I see the light!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Late Nights
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day!
Just a quick note to tell all the moms out there Happy Mothers Day! We have 2 very special moms in our lives and we love them dearly! I think that maybe....Ben and I have the best moms in the world. They both would do anything for us and love us no matter what we do or say! The say part mainly pertains to me....Ben's mom just laughs when something off color comes out of my mouth...and she still loves me! What a lady! My mom...well she would give up everything for me and always wanted to make sure I had the chance for every opportunity I wanted to take! Mothers really are amazing! I hope someday soon I have the chance to be a mother...and I hope I can live up to the role models I have had in my life.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I can't I'll write!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Minus tonsils
Monday, May 4, 2009
Haiti here we come!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Mac Vs. PC
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The first adventure
I'm trusting that the Lord will protect me and although I know it's going to be a rough 2 weeks...I will be fine! I will still take the prayers of anyone who is offering.
I'm looking forward to feeling better after this is all said and has been a rough spring for me, physically and emotionally. So this summer has to rock!
Speaking of this summer.....Haiti here we come! Ben and I are going to Haiti in June...we had to raise 3,500 dollars and we're almost there! We have 400 dollars to go, and we're trusing God that it will come just in time! We'll post more about this soon.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
We did it!
We are not that exciting...but maybe starting this blog will spark something new in our lives! We have some adventures coming up soon that we can upodate you all on via this new EXCITING blog! I know this is short....but stay tuned if you want an update.