Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We did it!

Ben and I have been talking about stating a blog for awhile now. Ben first needed to come up with an amusing name for the blog before I could start it. How did he do??
We are not that exciting...but maybe starting this blog will spark something new in our lives! We have some adventures coming up soon that we can upodate you all on via this new EXCITING blog! I know this is short....but stay tuned if you want an update.


  1. Yea!! I'm sure you will be WAY better about blogging then the Harmans! :)

  2. Yay! I will add you to my "bloggers I know" list.

  3. Hey! Welcome! Now we can follow eachothers blogs!! Here is our link:) http://robandsarahballew.blogspot.com/
