The Garber house is doing a little remodeling. We are expanding our home by 2 feet. Two little, adorable, long awaited feet....and hands, and eyes. We are having a baby. We are adding to our family. We will soon be a family of 4! Molly will not longer be our little baby...but she will be a close 2nd.
Ben and I have always wanted a family and have been on this journey for the last 3 years. We were told we would not be able to have children unless we used some form of infertility treatment. We talked, we prayed, we waited. The Lord's answer to us was not now, not this way. So we waited longer. We asked the Lord....is it time, he always answered, but not always the way we wanted.
We were ok with that because we wanted what the Lord wanted for us in his time. We heard from the Lord at the end of last year and knew it was time to move forward. We decided we would start working on our home study in January when we returned from Haiti.
That wasn't God's plan either....He put an urgency in us to get the home study done before we left for Haiti. We weren't sure why we felt that way, but we did. So we moved forward. We got our home study finished in record time. Our home study agency was amazing and worked hard to get it done quickly. It was almost finished when we left for Haiti. We returned, we got the final draft and our home study was officially finished.
We then hopped on the roller coaster of adoption. Getting calls telling us that birth mothers were looking at our profile, waiting to hear if they had chosen us and waiting to find out if we had a baby on the way.
Last Friday we got a call. A call tell us that a birth mom had chosen us! She wanted us to raise the baby that she was carrying. We are having a baby!
Then we panicked! How are we going to pay for this? Are we ready for this? YES! We said YES!
We are now trusting the Lord. Trusting him with our baby, our finances, and our lives. This is the hardest thing we've ever done. It's really hard! We have to wait and we have to figure out how to come up with a large amount of money to pay our adoption lawyer.
So here we are again....waiting, trusting, and praying. We would appreciate all the prayers you can offer. We know that the Lord doesn't put a plan into motion only to watch it fail. He WILL provide and we WILL bring our baby home.....in June!
Let the fundraising begin!
Here is a way to help. When you order anything on amazon use this link to do so.
We are soooooo happy to add another set of pitter patters to the family. How fortunate we all are. I'm keeping my seatbelt fastened for this incredible ride.