Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A change of heart.

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.  
                                                                               James 1:27

Adoption has always been something I knew I wanted to do.  I loved the idea of traveling to a far away country and bringing home a child or children to raise as my own.  The key phrase here is "far away country."  I wanted to make sure there was an ocean between myself and the child's birth mother.

Even when we started down the road of adoption we looked into international adoption and domestic adoption was never an option.  I always told Ben, "I do not want to be on the same continent as our birth mother."  As I think about that now, I think, "how sad," Why would I want that?

I don't think it's bad if others have that same that, but WOW, has the Lord changed my heart.  When we felt the Lord calling us to do domestic adoption I still had a little fear about what our birth mother would be like.  Would she want to see him often, would she want to have more contact then we were comfortable, would she think she was going to help raise our son?

Then we met Miss J.  From the very beginning we knew she was special.