So this weekend is the first time Ben and I have been apart in are almost 2 years of marriage! He is off having a boyscout weekend with his dad. Im going to miss him! It's just weird, because we usually do everything together! We love being together and have a lot of the same interests so it works out! Here are a few pictures of my wonderful husband! When he gets home he will probably try to remove this blog! But I'm bored and I love here goes!
Friday, May 29, 2009
So this weekend is the first time Ben and I have been apart in are almost 2 years of marriage! He is off having a boyscout weekend with his dad. Im going to miss him! It's just weird, because we usually do everything together! We love being together and have a lot of the same interests so it works out! Here are a few pictures of my wonderful husband! When he gets home he will probably try to remove this blog! But I'm bored and I love here goes!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Is what brings us together today! Being married is awesome! I never thought I would ever get married! I never thought I could meet someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with. Well I did, and I think I may just have the best husband out there!
I got an e-mail from him on was our 2 year engagement anniversary. I had no idea! But he didn't forget! The things that he writes to me are so great and I still can't believe I scored such a great catch! I can't wait to take this trip to Haiti and fall more in love with him, we have never done anything like this together and I know it will make our bond ever stronger! I also look forward to the day that he is a daddy to a little Garber. He will make such an amazing father!
Well that's all I got! I just wanted everyone to know how great my husband is! It's been 2 years and I am so much more in love with him than the day that I married him.
These pictures are from the weekend we got engaged!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ok, so I've been looking for some extra work so that we can save money. I'm just wanting a part time position. I know I'm over qualified for some of the positions I've applied for. But I don't care! I don't want to be anyones supervisor. I've been there done that and I hate it! I just want to go to my job, hopefully with kids and not have to worry about budgets, and corrective actions, or hiring or firing! I just want to work! I sent my application in to this company to work with disabled kids....well they called me back for an interview, but they wanted me to interview for a different position....because of my credentials! haha So I went, and even if they do offer me the position, I can't take it! I would be on call 24/7 and would be working 50 hrs a week. I just want a part time gig! So, I'm still searching! I would appreciate any prayers! I would really love to find another family that I could work with for 10 hours a week or so! If anyone knows of a family looking for some help, please give them my name!
Friday, May 15, 2009
I've been thinking a lot about friendships. Sometimes you have friends for a moment, a season, or a lifetime. It's ok to have all of these types of friendships. It's so great when you reconnect with a friend from a different season in your life and realize that you both have missed one another and that maybe this is one of those life long friendships! I've recently talked to an old friend from college, and realized that we have both grown a lot and in very good ways! We used to party together and now we both are married to ministers. We are both on fire for the Lord and wanting more friends that are serving the Lord. Im very excited for our up coming hang out session.
Friendships can be so hard sometimes. Seems like its easy to have friends from church or work because you see them every week or day. The friendships that mean the most are the ones that take that extra work to schedule hangout time outside of our daily activities. These times are so rare and so wonderful. I've been trying to put more effort into making time with the people who are important to me and are friendships I want to be lifelong ones.
That's all I have on that. But I do encourage everyone to look at their lives and make sure they have a few good friends to lean on.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I see the light!
I finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The tonsillectomy tunnel! Today was the first day I felt like a person and not a patient. It's been very nice to have Ben and my MIL take care of me. My MIL is great! She has spoiled us this whole week and really allowed me to just relax and recover. It has been a very painful road and I wouldn't wish the pain that I had on my worst enemy. Maybe Spencer from the hills....but that's because he's a jerk.
Anyway...I have had far less pain today and slept fairly well less night. My MIL bought a humidifier to put next to my bed to keep my throat moist while I sleep. It worked very well! I had a couple bites of pizza for lunch followed by pain. Then I tried chicken for dinner and ended up with the worst pain I have ever felt. Had a few tears. I do know that I am healing and my throat looks so much better. Monday is my follow up appointment and I hope to go back to work as well.
Speaking of work....I have two interviews on tuesday. They are for part time positions working with kids. I am still doing autism therapy but need a few more hours so we can save more money. I know something will work out and can't wait to see what the Lord has for me. I know that he has a perfect plan for me and I am excited to see it unfold. Our life has been so good and we feel blessed to have all that we have. We can't wait for the next season in our life. We know the Lord has big plans for us....hopefully ones that involve babies!
Well, gotta go watch Grey's! I'm sipping gatorade as we speak...and it doesn't hurt so bad. AMEN!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Late Nights
I've been able to experience late night TV's not that great. My grandma always said that nothing good happens after 10pm. I think she was right. I am usually in bed by 10 and up at 7. After having my surgery my schedule has been a little off. I've been going to bed around 11, because that's an hour that I take my pain meds.
Ben has been waking me up every 2 hours to give me my meds (what a great husband). It seems that every time I wake up I am in the worst pain! So, I've been getting up in the middle of the night, because if I'm awake my throat can not dry out and become painful. Luckily I have some trashy bravo tv shows DVRed to keep my company.
I will be so happy when all of this is said and done and I can go back to my early bed time. I will also be happy to be able to eat again. I haven't eaten in 4 days...besides the couple spoon fulls of soup and a piece of my mother in laws muffins. I can't wait until I can partake in all the goodies she has been making for Ben this week.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day!
Just a quick note to tell all the moms out there Happy Mothers Day! We have 2 very special moms in our lives and we love them dearly! I think that maybe....Ben and I have the best moms in the world. They both would do anything for us and love us no matter what we do or say! The say part mainly pertains to me....Ben's mom just laughs when something off color comes out of my mouth...and she still loves me! What a lady! My mom...well she would give up everything for me and always wanted to make sure I had the chance for every opportunity I wanted to take! Mothers really are amazing! I hope someday soon I have the chance to be a mother...and I hope I can live up to the role models I have had in my life.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I can't I'll write! I am! Day 3 post op...feeling pretty good. Haven't had much pain, Ben has been really great at waking me up every hour during the night so I can take meds and drink lots of fluids! They say the worst days are yet to come...I'm choosing to believe that they are already past and from here on out I will start healing and speaking soon. Ben's mom is here helping take care of me! She is so wonderful...she went to walmart and got us a bunch of groceries and is in the kitchen baking as I write. We're hoping the cookies are soft enough so I might get a bite or two. She even came back from walmart with a trashy cosmo magazine that she knows I like. What a great mother in law! I could not ask for a better one!
I have been spending a lot of time chatting on facebook. I can't speak so the FB chat has kept me from going stir crazy!
Well, it's almost time for another round of meds....that usually means its time for another 20 min nap! I can't wait to have a full 8 hours of sleep again. This would be way more worth it if it was because I had a baby. I'm sure that will come soon enough though.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Minus tonsils
Hey, this is the other half of Bsquared as your regular author rests and recuperates from her surgery. Everything went great this morning. All of the doctors and nurses were very kind which always is a plus. The doctor came out to tell me he was done about 20 minutes after the surgery got started. He said "they were huge' in reference to Brittany's tonsils and that everything went great. After about an hour and a half in recovery we were able to go home. The nurses said that Brittany was the perfect patient!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Haiti here we come!
As many of you might know, we've been raising money to go to Haiti. We are planning to spend a week there checking it out as a possible new home for the 2 of us! Saturday afternoon we hit our mark! We have officially raised all of out support for our Haiti trip! Thank you to all who have made this possible. We could never tell you how much your support means to us. We are looking forward to our trip and all that the Lord has planned for us on this trip! We know that our hearts will be broken many times while we are there, but we also know that the Lord will use us in ways we could never imagine.
I am very excited to work in their special needs orphanage....I look at the website almost everyday and those kids just melt my heart. www.nwhcm.0rg This is the website if anyone wants to check it out. I can't wait to actually be there and hold those little ones in my arms. I can't imagine what it will be like, but I do know that I will shed many tears that week. Only 1 in 6 children in Haiti survive....due to malnutrition. They die because they are not getting enough to eat! That just make me America we have more food than we know what to do with. I know not one person can change the world...but Ben and I plan to try our hardest.
Thanks again for everyone who has supported us financially as well as with your prayers! We appreciate you all!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Mac Vs. PC
Ben and I have had a lot of debate these past couple weeks on whether we should get a mac or a PC. The computer that I brought into this marriage...a 2004 Dell..was on it's way out...and fast! It would freeze up and even when restarted would still be frozen. So we decided it was time to invest in something new. Hense the most recent debate! We had some extra money that we put in a CD when we were married for such an occasion as this!
Well, we went with mac! It arrived this morning at 9am! The door bell rang while I was getting ready for the day and I hear a very excited, "YES!" from my husband! He opened the door....and sure enough! The MAC was here! Along with the free printer with mail in rebate....not that exciting. So...get ready for some fun pictures and videos!
We hope to figure this thing out this weekend and have lots of fun with it. It will be a great aid in the video we hope to make after we are home from our trip to Haiti. I'm also looking forward to using it in the next 2 weeks while I am recovering from my tonsillectomy. So, all you readers out there...all 7 of you! Get ready for some fun with Bsquared! Ok, I might be over doing it. But's my blog and I can write what I want!
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